Founded in 1937, the Society’s objectives are: The enhancement of education and research into the past history of all types of self propelling steam engines (other than those running on rails) and those types of stationary steam engines known as portable engines, the results of such research shall be made available through the Society Journal and other publications. You will find more information about us in the about, sections and membership pages within our website.
Image of the Month

Robey compound traction engine No. 29330 built in 1910 and fitted with 3 speed gearing, dressed up for an outing to celebrate the Coronation of King George V in 1911.
The Major R.J.W. Ind Collection of Historical Photographs
The Road Locomotive Society have been working on the production of a book covering the Historical Photographs of Major R.J.W. Ind. This new book will offer high quality digital scans of the original glass plate negatives that were donated to the Society in 1959 when Major Ind passed away. Additional unpublished images are included and some wider based captions covering the history of the engines and where possible the owners. A limited production run has been printed and will be available to purchase following the official launch at the Societies Spring Visit on May 13th.
The book will be priced at £30 plus £5 postage. The Society will add to the website shop nearer to its availability in May 2023.
We are confident this book will find an enthusiastic home for the discerning collector of the vast collection of images held by the Society and will be in the same format as the earlier Traction Engine Archive volumes. This can be purchased from our online shop.

Latest News
V765 Procedure Changes
Over recent months the Road Locomotive Society and the National Traction Engine Trust have been in discussionto rationalise their approach to the recovery of lost registrations and matters concerning age related registrations.To date both bodies have held authorisation to provide relevant supporting evidence. It has been agreed from now on the National Traction Engine Trust…
Cataloguing the Society’s Archive
Michele Goddard & Andrew Robertson This article has the objective of sharing with Members the work that has been taking place ‘behind the scenes’ on cataloguing our extensive archive. I thought it best to explain how the project came about, those working on it, the benefits to the Society and the way forward. As you…
Road Locomotive Society June Meeting Mornement and Ray by Alan Rundle
Alan Rundle presentation on Mornement & Ray Ltd Engineers and Contractors, Norfolk. Covers the dredging of rivers and drains using steam traction engines. For those who attended the meeting, the video shown before the question and answers session has been removed.
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