Membership of the Society is open to individuals interested in the history of road steam vehicles.
In addition to receiving the quarterly Journal and notice of meetings and visits, members also have the unrivalled opportunity to borrow from the Society’s archives many valuable, often irreplaceable, records, photographs and literature for personal research. Due to the nature of the records objects are no longer posted to members and in-person collection/exchange is required.
Where feasible we will provide extracts and images in digital format.
There is a non-loan section of unique items in the Society’s Library which can be viewed by appointment.
To safeguard this rare material, we ask prospective new members to obtain the support and recommendation of an existing member to confirm their interests in the subject.
The Society has members in the majority of local steam clubs and preservation societies in Great Britain. It is a prospective member’s responsibility to enquire and obtain the support of a current member in support of his/her application. The Society does not publish its membership list.
For new memberships please contact our Membership Secretary who will provide you with an application form, or if you prefer you can download the form below. The Society’s Committee discusses and determines all membership applications which must be supported by an existing member.
You can contact our Membership Secretary, Richard Garth using the information below.
Please e-mail:

Download Membership Form
All prospective new members must obtain the support and recommendation of an existing member to confirm their interests in the subject.
Download Gift Aid Form
The society would be very much obliged if you would fill in and return this Gift Aid form, by doing so the society can claim back (see below) on any subscription / donation you make.
Download Gift Aid Form as MS Word Docx

Existing Members – Setup a Standing Order
Never worry about missing a payment again – set up a standing order to keep your subscription up to date effortlessly. It’s easy, convenient, and ensures you’ll always receive your Journal and Society notices on time.
To get started, simply email Richard Garth, who will provide the form and all the necessary information for you or your bank to set up the standing order quickly.
Take a moment today to make your payments hassle-free.
For standing order information/form e-mail: